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Published on: Customer Experience

5 Reasons You Need a Customer Experience Manager

Customer experience is the synthesis of customer acquisition and operations. When planned or strategized with due diligence, it is the coalescence of marketing modalities that enables customer retention and exponential growth. Any amount of work you put into improving one of those two functions of the business while ignoring the other will result in a steady and unpredictable churn. However, if you enable the optimization of the entire business function, you are ultimately improving the discovery, buying, and nurturing experience for the consumers that your business depends on.

1) Your company doesn’t need a full-time marketing executive

If you’re a startup or a small business looking for ways to acquire customers but don’t have the resources for a full-time hire, hiring a customer experience manager can be a cost-effective solution. This is particularly useful for early-stage companies.

2) Your company is well established, but no one is improving customer experience

Your company may have established its brand and achieved success in the past without the need for advanced marketing methods and automation. However, as the business world evolves, it’s important to adapt and implement modern strategies, tools, and tactics to stay competitive. A Customer Experience Manager can assist mature companies in optimizing the customer experience and help them navigate the marketing transformation process.

3) The sales team designs their own marketing collateral

An effective sales team is essential for any business, but having them create their own presentations, videos, and graphics can lead to a weak and inconsistent marketing message. This can negatively impact the overall customer experience and brand retention. A Customer Experience Manager can help to develop a unified message that enhances the customer experience and strengthens your brand. They can ensure that all marketing materials align with your company’s overall message and branding, resulting in a more cohesive and effective approach.

4) You need insights that influence effective decisions

It’s common for businesses to fall into the trap of implementing various marketing tactics without a clear strategy. For example, investing in a new website, pay-per-click ads, social media management, event sponsorship, and branded merchandise without evaluating their effectiveness. This can lead to feeling like marketing is a significant drain on the budget with little tangible results. A Customer Experience Manager can help you establish a reporting structure that allows you to make data-driven decisions that drive revenue, growth, and customer retention.

5) You’re in need of a temporary manager or advisor

A Customer Experience Manager can fill a gap when a position becomes vacant, or during a leave of absence, while your company conducts a search for a permanent candidate. They can also act as an external consultant to audit an existing marketing or operations team and provide guidance on new directions. Hiring a Customer Experience Manager can provide a quick solution for growth projects, addressing pain points, and implementing retention strategies.


Owners, stakeholders, and decision-makers have an important role in the growth and longevity of the business operation. Savvy business owners and managers will take advantage of their competitor’s lack of insight or unwillingness to meet the needs of the market they serve, and will ultimately exploit key weaknesses in an adversaries operation. We’ve seen it happen, we’ve made it happen and we are keen on making it happen for our future partners who trust in us to serve their needs.

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